Creating a Treatment Plan For Substance Abuse


There was a time when roadmaps literally helped us get from our house to grandma’s house or to that strange family reunion in the upper Midwest, long before the advent of GPS. Today, the term “roadmap” is used in various ways across industries. Businesses can’t launch a new product without a new product roadmap. Sending […]

How to Get Into Sober Living


As addiction treatment progresses, many people start thinking about sober living as a possible next step. Perhaps a therapist or counselor has encouraged you to consider it, or after talking with friends and family, it seems like a good fit. SAMHSA (the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) considers recovery housing like sober living […]

Finding Family Therapy for Generational Trauma


Have you heard of The Butterfly Effect? You’ve probably seen a video clip or heard it referenced in pop culture somewhere. It’s the metaphor Professor Edward Lorenz at MIT used to explain that one change or event can have a large and lasting impact. While Professor Lorenz discovered it while studying weather, the concept is […]

The Differences in Counseling vs Therapy


Counseling and therapy are powerful tools. They can help us manage our emotions and stress, process our grief and traumas, and find healing. The terms are often used interchangeably (sometimes even by counselors and therapists) but can serve different needs. This article will define each of these terms and provide a summary of each, with […]

What is the Difference Between Sobriety and Recovery?

Addiction Therapy

Two words often used when discussing substance use disorders (SUDs) are sobriety and recovery. They are closely related but represent different aspects of a person’s journey through addiction. This blog will explain the difference between sobriety and recovery, how they are related, and why both are important for lasting wellness.  What is Sobriety? Sobriety is […]

How Does a Sober Living House Work?


Most people have heard the term “sober living house” or perhaps synonymous terms such as “halfway house” or “recovery residence.” However, not everyone understands what a sober living house is or how it works. This blog will explain how a sober living house works, including some common rules, responsibilities, and benefits. What is a Sober […]

What is a Sober Living Home?

Sober Living

A sober living home is a type of transitional recovery housing for individuals recovering from a substance use disorder (SUD). It can be a critical support step for recovery after intensive treatment but before one fully reintegrates into everyday life. Sober living homes provide a drug-free and alcohol-free space that is supportive and structured. The […]

7 Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety


High-functioning anxiety can be a tricky, almost hidden form of anxiety. To the outside world, people who are experiencing anxiety and are high-functioning may appear very successful, organized, and willing to take on additional responsibilities. They may be driven and motivated, and their work performance may be exemplary. Unfortunately, it can take a toll on […]

Coping Strategies to Beat Cravings

Addiction Therapy

Cravings are an inevitable part of the recovery process. Whether you’re recovering from substance abuse, food addiction, or other behavioral addictions, the urge to indulge in old habits can be overwhelming. These cravings can strike at any time and may feel uncontrollable, but with the right coping strategies, it is possible to manage and overcome […]

What Are the Signs of an Eating Disorder?

Dual Diagnosis

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that impact millions of people each year. They can affect individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, and often go unnoticed until they reach a more serious stage. At Southern Sky Recovery, we recognize the importance of early detection and intervention when it comes to eating disorders. Understanding […]