Seeking Help

Marijuana Assessment

Addiction Assessments

Do You Need Help for Marijuana Addiction?

The signs of marijuana addiction may not always be easy to spot in yourself of a loved one. However, there are several behaviors frequently seen in marijuana addiction, and this assessment can help you identify them in yourself or a loved one.

Those struggling with marijuana addiction should know that they are not alone. Resources are available to help you find your path to recovery.

Marijuana Assessment

Answer the Following Questions
About Your Marijuana Use

Step 1 of 12

In the past year, have you had difficulty cutting back or stopping the use of marijuana?

Get in Touch Right Now

At our Beaufort County drug rehab, we know that every story of addiction is different. Let us help you write a new story, one free from addiction, that ends in recovery and a life of sobriety. Reach out now to get started.
