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Medical Reviewer:

Katerina Marroquin


Nathan Shepard

Overcome Addiction Today

Opioid Addiction Treatment in South Carolina

If you are looking for substance abuse treatment in South Carolina for an opioid use disorder, Southern Sky can help. Our opioid rehab center can help you find sustained recovery.

Though opiates like morphine and heroin, derived from the poppy plant, have been around for centuries, such drugs were not considered a crisis until the late 1990s and the start of what is known as the opioid epidemic. Pharmaceutical companies produced synthetic drugs with chemical profiles similar to opiates. These drugs, called opioids, were marketed as safe for medical use for a long time. Purdue Pharma’s Oxycontin was advertised as non-addictive, although the opposite was true. Because these drugs were prescribed for even moderate pain by doctors duped by false claims, many people succumbed to addiction. Opioid addiction does not have to claim a life forever.

Call 843.350.5769 or use our easy online form to reach an addiction specialist on the Southern Sky staff who can answer all your questions about opioid abuse and our opioid addiction treatment program in Bluffton, SC.

A view of opioids in a pill bottle

Introduction To Opioid Abuse

Opiates like morphine and heroin, derived from the poppy plant, have been around for centuries. These substances are addictive and trigger large numbers of diagnosable problems each year. However, in some respects, they pale in comparison to their close cousins – the semisynthetic and synthetic drugs classified as opioids. These drugs were once marketed as safe for medical use. However, they’re now known as the chief source of the nationwide crisis known as the opioid epidemic. 

Opioid addiction is widespread in America. Along with serious opioid abuse, it affects roughly five million people annually. But opioid abuse and addiction, known collectively as opioid use disorder (OUD), do not have to claim a life forever. Today, both conditions are treatable with the right kind of help. 

If you’re looking for opioid use disorder treatment in South Carolina, turn to the experts at Southern Sky Recovery. We feature a full slate of outpatient options for people affected by this condition. With our help, you can effectively manage opioid addiction and resume a functional daily routine. Call 843.891.5693 or use our easy online form to reach an addiction specialist on the Southern Sky staff who can answer all your questions about opioid abuse and our opioid addiction treatment program in Bluffton, SC.

Get the Treatment You Need

Is It An Opioid Or An Opiate?

Wondering if you need opioid treatment or opiate treatment? Strictly speaking, opioids and opiates are not the same thing. Heroin, codeine, morphine and other opiates come straight from ingredients in the opium poppy. In contrast, opioids are produced with at least some manmade ingredients. But the technical divide between opioids and opiates is not always maintained in everyday speech. Even a specialist may categorize an opiate as an opioid. The reverse may also sometimes happen. 

Synthetic opioids can be manufactured legally in FDA-regulated labs for use in medicine. They can also be created covertly in illegal laboratories for direct street sale. In addition, legally made prescription opioids can be diverted from legitimate use and resold on the illegal street market. 

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The team at Southern Sky Recovery is available to help you or your loved one in finding the best treatment options that work for your individual needs. Our program is rooted in a philosophy based on client-first care and personalized solutions. Call us today to start your journey to long-term healing.

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Symptoms Of Opioid Abuse And Addiction

If you are wondering if you or a loved one need professional opioid addiction treatment, there are several signs to look out for.

Opioid abuse and opioid addiction are sometimes separate problems. However, they can also occur together and lead to a variety of overlapping symptoms. When doctors and addiction specialists diagnose opioid use disorder, they look for abuse and addiction indicators such as:

  • An inability to limit how often you use an opioid and/or how much of it you take
  • Repeated lack of success when trying to quit or decrease your opioid use
  • The presence of strong opioid cravings between doses
  • Rising resistance to the drug effects of an opioid
  • A daily routine that establishes opioid-related activities as a top priority
  • Dropping parts of your current routine to make room for opioid use
  • Not stopping opioid use when it causes you noticeable health problems
  • Not stopping your use when you know it impairs your important relationships
  • Failing to meet work, home or school responsibilities because of your opioid use
  • Having a habit of using opioids in situations where a clear safety risk is present
  • Withdrawal symptoms that appear when you try to abandon or reduce your opioid use

You may also notice some other things that point to a serious, opioid-related problem. Such things include:

  • Declines in energy, focus, sex drive, and/or sleep hygiene
  • Weight loss
  • Chronic flu-like symptoms
  • Poor self-care and hygiene
  • Self-isolation 
  • Financial trouble, including job loss, homelessness, and indigence in extreme cases
  • Lying, stealing, doctor shopping, and other desperate acts to acquire more of the drug

People addicted to opioids often seem unrecognizable to their loved ones as they resort to behaviors and tactics that they would previously never have considered. Their commitment to opioids takes precedence over their obligations to everything and everyone else. That’s true despite clear evidence of the havoc being wreaked on their lives and the lives of others. The best place for those with an opioid use disorder is in an opioid rehab center.

Want to learn more about the primary and secondary signs of an opioid problem? The professionals at Southern Sky Recovery are happy to assist you.

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What Happens In A Program For Opioid Addiction In South Carolina?

Addiction is one of the greatest disruptors of daily life that can be imagined. Nevertheless, some people avoid seeking needed treatment because of rehab’s potential to disrupt life in its own way. In many cases, the solution for this concern is outpatient treatment. An outpatient opioid addiction rehab center can offer vital, life-saving treatment while letting you maintain relationships, jobs, and other commitments.

In an outpatient opioid treatment program in South Carolina, your daily schedule may include some or all of the following:

Mutual support meetings

Mutual support groups have been consistently shown to positively affect long-term recovery outcomes.

Individual therapy

Your therapist will work with you on any underlying issues that factor into your addiction. They may use a behavioral therapy modality or other evidence-based treatment.

Group therapy

Group therapy is guided by a licensed therapist and includes the support and accountability that the presence of recovery peers can provide.


Medication is a common resource in opioid addiction care plans. In combination with therapy, it forms the modern approach known as MAT or medication-assisted treatment

Have more questions about what happens in a program for opioid addiction in South Carolina? Consult the experts at Southern Sky for the answers you need.


Recovery Options In A South Carolina Opoid Treatment Program

What therapy and medication options are used in opioid addiction treatment programs?  Therapies that can help support your recovery include:

One of more of these therapies can be combined with any of several MAT medications. Potential medication options include:

  • Buprenorphine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Naltrexone

In an effective plan, all treatment options are customized for the specific needs of you or your loved one. Ask Southern Sky today about the details of this customization process.


Opioid Addiction Treatment In Bluffton, South Carolina

When you can no longer tolerate the effects of opioid addiction on your life and well-being, or a loved one has hit a point so low that they are ready to accept help, seek a professional opioid addiction treatment program that can safely guide you to sobriety.

Addiction is the greatest disrupter of life that can be imagined. Yet, we are also cognizant that addiction treatment often concerns people because of its potential to disrupt daily life. An outpatient opioid addiction rehab center can offer vital life-saving treatment while letting you maintain relationships, jobs, and other commitments.

When you are in opioid addiction treatment in Bluffton, you will receive professional supervision, therapy, peer support groups, and all the benefits of rehab, whether you are in an outpatient program, an intensive outpatient program, or a partial hospitalization program. At Southern Sky, we offer choices that meet your needs based on the severity of addiction, medical and mental health history, and personal preference.

In an opioid rehab center, your daily schedule may include all or some of the below:

Group meetings

Peer support groups have been consistently shown to positively affect long-term outcomes.

Individual therapy

Your therapist will work with you on any underlying issues that factor into your addiction and may use a behavioral therapy modality or other evidence-based treatment.

Group therapy

In a more structured setting than peer support groups, group therapy is guided by a licensed therapist and includes the support and accountability that other people can provide.

Family therapy

Family involvement in opioid addiction treatment is important, when possible, in order to heal relationships, facilitate communication, and increase mutual empathy for all parties.

Get in Touch Right Now

At our Beaufort County drug rehab, we know that every story of addiction is different. Let us help you write a new story, one free from addiction, that ends in recovery and a life of sobriety. Reach out now to get started.


Southern Sky Recovery: An Opioid Addiction Treatment Program In Bluffton, SC

At our opioid rehab in Bluffton, you will have access to evidence-based treatment and professional care provided by experts in opioid addiction treatment. In addition to the benefits listed above, you will find among our therapies:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Dual diagnosis treatment

Reach out today for the information you seek about opioid addiction treatment. We are waiting to hear from you. Dial 843.350.5769 or complete our online form to connect with someone today.


Recover From Opioid Addiction In South Carolina With Help From Southern Sky

Opioids are powerful prescription drugs that can vastly outstrip the potency of heroin. Every day, people who misuse these drugs develop diagnosable problems with substance abuse and addiction. To recover from these problems as safely and quickly as possible, you need a professional opioid program. An effective program can also help you stay opioid-free in the future.

Need a trusted source for opioid treatment in South Carolina? Southern Sky is a premier in-state recovery provider. We feature an outpatient model that lets you incorporate opioid detox and treatment into your current routine. No matter your outpatient needs, Southern Sky can meet them. Reach out today for more information on how we can help you. Just dial 843.891.5693 or complete our online form to connect with someone today.

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Don't Let Addiction Win

Southern Sky Recovery is here to help. Our central location in Bluffton, SC allows us to service clients in the Lowcounty & Coastal Empire areas.

60 Pennington Drive, Bluffton, SC 29910