Creating a Treatment Plan For Substance Abuse

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There was a time when roadmaps literally helped us get from our house to grandma’s house or to that strange family reunion in the upper Midwest, long before the advent of GPS. Today, the term “roadmap” is used in various ways across industries. Businesses can’t launch a new product without a new product roadmap. Sending out a software update? IT professionals have a roadmap for that. And why shouldn’t they? Roadmaps are useful and keep everyone and everything on track.

The same is true for overcoming substance abuse. Recovery needs structure, commitment, and personal goals. It needs a roadmap to navigate the challenges ahead. In addiction, the roadmap is known as a treatment plan, and this article will explain the preassessment stage, components of a treatment plan, and the importance of monitoring the plan over time.  

Individual Assessment For Creating a Treatment Plan for Substance Abuse

The first step in creating a treatment plan for substance abuse is to assess a person’s needs. This usually has a few aspects, beginning with taking inventory of a person’s substance abuse history, any physical or mental health conditions, and a scan of the social and environmental factors at play in their life, which could include family and friends, living arrangements, work or legal aspects, and more. Next, it is important to set individualized goals. These could be short-term or long-term. They might include objectives such as rebuilding a relationship, completing detox, or attending therapy. Finally, choosing the right level of care is often done in this stage. Examples could be inpatient or outpatient rehab, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), or the recommended type of therapy.

Components of a Treatment Plan for Substance Abuse

While treatment plans should be individualized, they often contain similar elements. The following aspects are typically part of a successful treatment plan:

  1. Detox – this can be done at home or with medical oversight. Detox helps a person adjust to life without substances and manages the withdrawal symptoms experienced through this process. 
  1. Therapy – individual therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) are proven therapies for substance abuse, as are group and peer therapy.
  1. Relapse Prevention – identifying and avoiding triggers is an essential part of relapse prevention, as is having a plan for exposure to triggers that are out of one’s control.
  1. Lifestyle Changes – learning new skills and creating new habits around exercise, nutrition, support networks, and more is important to successful relapse prevention.

Monitoring a Treatment Plan for Substance Abuse

Monitoring and adjusting a treatment plan for substance abuse is almost as important as creating it. Remember that cross-country road trip? Checking tire pressure, monitoring the fuel gauge, reassessing the best route, or rerouting if you take a wrong turn are all things you would do to ensure you arrive safely at your destination. With a treatment plan, it is similar. Weekly or monthly check-ins with therapists, sponsors, or other care team members ensure you are focusing on the right things. Recognizing and celebrating mile markers such as the number of days of sobriety, adjusting the plan if relapse occurs, and exploring options for what comes after completing a successful treatment plan for substance abuse are all things to keep in mind.

Substance Abuse Treatment with Southern Sky Recovery

Creating a treatment plan for substance abuse is fundamental to successful recovery. It should be tailored to the individual, but it doesn’t need to be perfect and it should not be etched in stone. As with traveling on a long trip, those who stay flexible and adaptive as things progress are more likely to reach their destination, and perhaps even enjoy the journey.
At Southern Sky Recovery, we understand that everyone’s path is different. We understand addiction and substance abuse because we have been there. If you have been exploring treatment options for yourself or a loved one but haven’t known where to start, call us today. Recovery is possible, and together, we can create a treatment plan for substance abuse that ends in lasting success.

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