How to Get Into Sober Living

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As addiction treatment progresses, many people start thinking about sober living as a possible next step. Perhaps a therapist or counselor has encouraged you to consider it, or after talking with friends and family, it seems like a good fit. SAMHSA (the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) considers recovery housing like sober living homes to be an “asset in supporting an individual on their journey of recovery.” Research has continually proven the benefits of sober living homes, which include decreased substance use, increased employment, higher income, a feeling of community, and more. 

While it is a common step in a person’s journey to lasting sobriety, you might still be wondering how to get into sober living. If you are, this blog will explain your next steps. If you’re unsure what a sober living home is, check out our blog on that topic here.

Five Steps to Getting Into a Sober Living Home

Step 1: Assess Your Needs

Not all sober living is created equal. Some are highly structured and have staff and even clinicians on-site supporting residents, which could be helpful for someone in early recovery. On the other end of the spectrum, there are sober living homes that are less structured and almost entirely peer-run. A person’s stage in recovery and duration in the program might determine how much structure they need. An honest assessment of yourself and your needs is an important insight for success. 

Step 2: Research

You should research and consider several aspects of sober living before moving into sober living. From a high-level view, consider location and how that might fit into your life for the next three months and longer. Will you be in a part of town and close to people who will support your recovery, or might there be geographical triggers or proximity to those who won’t support you? 

The level of structure should also be considered–some sober living homes have a phased or tiered approach, with rules and oversight decreasing the longer one lives there. 

Additional questions you might ask or research before you get into sober living are about the house rules, costs, the home’s reputation in the community, drug testing policies, what might happen to someone who relapses, and how long you can stay. You can also check out our blog about what to look for in a sober living home for more ideas.

Step 3: Understand and Verify Requirements

Another step for how to get into sober living is understanding the policies and requirements. Some sober living homes may require completion of a rehab program, or active participation in AA or a 12-step program. They are likely to have multiple policies on everything from sobriety and drug testing to curfews and household responsibilities such as chores and curfew.  

Step 4: Understand the Costs

Many sober living homes are privately funded and will not offer financial assistance, but some will. Ask if funding is available through grants or other sources, such as local non-profit organizations. Most insurance will not cover rent or living expenses, but they may have coverage for related therapies. Understanding your costs upfront will give you the best chance of success and help you avoid disruption during this stage.

Step 5: Apply  

The final step to getting into sober living is to apply! By this point, you’ve researched your options and know what to expect. The application form will likely include personal information, substance use history, mental health history, employment background, education, and your goals for recovery. An interview is likely, though it may be done by phone, in person, or virtually, depending on the sober living home. 

While this may feel overwhelming at first, know that you can do this! Research has proven the benefits, and now you know how to get into sober living, which will provide a safe space for you to continue your growth and progress. 

Find Sober Living with Southern Sky Recovery

Finding the right sober living environment for yourself or a loved one is an important decision. We hope this blog post gives you an outline of some things to think about as you evaluate your options. 
No matter where you are in your recovery journey, we are here to help. Every person will have a unique journey to long-term recovery, and our team of empathetic and knowledgeable professionals is here to provide guidance wherever you are. If you are ready to take the next step in your recovery, please contact us today.

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